
ICS 314 In a Nutshell

15 Dec 2022

It Comes to an End ICS 314 was one of my favorite classes this semester and I really learned a lot even though at times this class put me under an immense amount of pressure, aka the WODS. When professor...

Software Engineering IDE Design Patterns

Making The Connection: Design Patterns

01 Dec 2022

Again And Again You’ll begin to recognize as you code more often repeating strategies used time and time again. They might not be connected in any way, yet the structure of the code you write tends to be the same....

Software Engineering Design Patterns

Final Project Idea

01 Nov 2022

Overview The problem: Being healthy is often an overlooked aspect when in college and going to the gym is the the last thought on peoples minds. However, sometimes you just need the right group of people or a partner to...

Software Engineering Meteor

And I Thought Writing Programs Was Hard

06 Oct 2022

Laying It Out: HTML/CSS Right now in the course we are learning the ins and outs of creating web pages. Starting out with the basic HTML layout and building our way up to using stylesheets to style the HTML I...

HTML/CSS Bootstrap 5

There's A Right Way To Ask Questions?

07 Sep 2022

Smart Questions? Huh? Before reading the essay about How To Ask Questions the Smart Way by Eric Raymond, I didn’t know that there was a “right” and “wrong” way to ask questions. I did know there exists questions that aren’t...


Keeping It to a High (Coding) Standard

22 Sep 2022

So Many Errors Before getting into coding standards, I didn’t know there was a wider range of coding standards other than naming variables likeThis and semicolons are completed lines. After learning more about coding standards through this module, I realized...


Software Engineering: Is It My Calling?

02 Sep 2022

What Major is Right for Me? Growing up I was always interested in technology, especially Apple. I would watch all those tech vlog related videos and the apple keynotes all when I was in middle school. Going into my freshman...


My Experience With JavaScript and ICS 314

30 Aug 2022

How JavaScript Compares To Other Languages At the time of writing this, it’s been about 2 years since I’ve taken a programming class. JavaScript helped refresh my prior basic knowledge about programming such as what variables were, arrays, different loops...
